LL.B. Part-IV


LL.B. Part-IV

Paper-I Constitutional Law-II (100 Marks)
1. Constitutional History of Pakistan (20 Marks)
2. Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 (60 Marks)
3. Cases on Constitution (20 Marks)
Paper-II Equity (100 Marks)
1. Principles of Equity (20 Marks)
including Maxims of Equity
2. Trust Act, 1882 (20 Marks)
3. Waqf Act (20 Marks)
4. The Specific Relief Act, 1927 (40 Marks)
Paper-III Mercantile Law (100 Marks)
1. Companies Ordinance, 1984 (60 Marks)
2. Partnership Act, 1932 (20 Marks)
3. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (20 Marks)
(All Provisions of Sections 1-60,
82-85-A and 122-131 of Act)
Paper-IV Law of Transfer of Property (100 Marks)
1. The Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (40 Marks)
2. The Registration Act, 1908 (20 Marks)
3. The Succession Act, 1925 (20 Marks)
4. Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (20 Marks)
Paper-V Muslim Personal Law (100 Marks)
Detailed Topics:
1. Dower
2. Marriage – Essentials
3. Divorce
4. Iddat
5. Maintenance
6. Parentage-Legitimacy & Acknowledgement
7. Guardianship of Person and Property
8. Gift
9. Wakf
10. Will
11. Inheritance – General Rules
12. Hanfi Law of Inheritance
13. Shia Law of Inheritance, including
1) The Dissolution of Muslim Marriage
Act, 1939
2) Muslim Family Law Ordinance, 1961
3) Guardians and Ward Act
Paper-VI Public International Law (100 Marks)
Paper-VII Special and Local Laws (100 Marks)
1. Land Revenue Act, 1967 (60 Marks)
2. Pre-emption Act, 1991 (20 Marks)
3. Punjab Tenancy Act, 1892 (20 Marks)